Saturday, April 16, 2016

NB Commentary: From New Age To Jesus - My Testimony (Video testimony)

NB Commentary: 
"From New Age To Jesus - My Testimony" by Steve of Spirit Science & Metaphysics

It always amazes me when someone makes such a switch. My brother did it. He was so close to truly awakening to his true identity when he took a turn to go back to the Church. I didn't understand it at first. They say once you wake up, you can't go back but there are those who do.

There is something extremely hypnotic about being saved. It is freeing and releasing and liberating because now, someone else can do the grunt work for you. Now, you can ignore all the other signals, that rang in your head that made you feel so uncomfortable about someone saving you. Because all the grunt work is done, you can trade in your loyalty, love and dedication for a free ticket to heaven. Who doesn't want to live in paradise forever and ever?

 Surely the new age movement was hijacked by the PTB. Initially, they saw it as a mere nuisance for some silly folks going to retreats in the backwoods, meditating and channeling Ancient Aliens. But when it caught on and began to bring in the $$$$$ they wanted a piece of the action. So, they started to create their own initiates, infiltrate others and corrupt even more. Since they have the technology to completely take over a persons mind they can totally usurp the process, and implant confusion, traders, and disbelievers in the midst of even the most authentic New Ager. Now so many of the original messages have been obliterated to the point of being unrecognizable.

The hypnosis prevails, however, as we humans, consistently seek out a savior. The New Age movement gave us a plethora of saviors to chose from. With heavy competition they had to modify their message, exaggerate its import, dramatize its impact and develop a media propaganda campaign that would literally turn the New Age movement into the Roman Coliseums filled with chariot driving New Age warriors battling for those lost souls who just want someone to save them from being responsible for their own minds, hearts, spirits and actions.

Let's hope that this part of Steve's journey takes him closer to whom he really is. Let's hope that he doesn't allow this part of his journey to trap him and blind him like the New Age trap did. Let's hope he realizes the TRUE message and the REAL STORY of the one they call Jesus Christ and that his quest for knowledge is not thwarted by his awakening.

I have always said that the Jesus Christ Mythos is one of the most powerful mythos of modern times, say the past 2 thousand years. This is simply due to the number of people who pay homage to it, die for it, fight and kill for it, sell for it, campaign for it, etc, etc, etc. All in all, it has the power that the people put in it, that is "People Power".

If we have learned anything, from the New Age movement, we have learned that whatever you put your attention on grows and grows and grows. Of course there is always that chance that life might happen and give you a jolt, and sorta wake you up, again. But we humans, we tend to hit the snooze button. It's easier to give up responsibility for our actions, call ourselves forgivable sinners, and let SOMEBODY ELSE do the grunt work. 

Peace & Blessings to you, Steve. May you continue to awaken...


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Peace & Blessings, thank you for your comments, they are much appreciated. NB