Thursday, December 11, 2014

We're Not Together, Why Can't I Move On? Ask Nana


"We're not together, why can't I move on? I keep dreaming about my ex and it is really hard to see us in the dream state getting along and having a great time together."


Some where along the way, the idea of romantic love came into being. Before then, it was not a major aspect of relationshipping and it wasn't mandatory in order to have long lasting meaningful relationships. Eros and the period of eroticism came on to the world stage particularly during the medieval period in Europe and spread around the world.  It was describe in the Greek tradition as a sort of "madness". 

Nevertheless it caught on and spread like wildfire around the globe. We are inundated with romantic songs, movies, novels and poetry. Much of this is done for profit but those who engage are not quite the willing suspects as would be believed. It is like being placed in an hypnotic trance and especially when it's the so called "Love At First Sight. Human beings seem to need to place their passions at the foot of their beloved, to idolize them and to have the fondest wishes, dreams and desires when that "love bug" hits or shall I say sting?

The metaphysical aspect of this type of engagement is missed, and quite naturally, because if it were exposed for the entrapment it truly causes, well there would be a lot of bankrupt people who use that to make buckets full of money.

In ancient and more traditional cultures, what was important was how the relationship would help their society to prosper and expand. Little value was placed on how beautiful or handsome an individual was but how strong mentally, emotionally and spiritually they were. Many relationships were guided by the idea of soul mates, that is, when that soul incarnated it was here to connect with its partner or soul companion. These relationships would produce healthy productive human beings and strong society. The idea of passion for passion's sake was inconsistent with the great goal of cohesion and prosperity in the community. Many of these type of relationships were arranged, sometimes at birth, when the elders were able to determine who was most fitted for their offspring to continue in a conjugal relationship when the time was ripe. Of course, this was not always acceptable, but it was not the norm for it to be unacceptable either, not until human society became inundated with the likes of Romeo and Juliet.

Again, the metaphysical aspect of this type of union was pushed to the background even though it was so obvious that these unions had little staying power and caused a lot of emotional, mental and psychical disturbances. Today, we see people killing each other over a love affair gone bad, which is quite unfortunate.

We create our own reality.

If we engage with someone in this passionate frame of experience, we develop an energy around us that in one sense, needs to feed off that energy. This can be seen when the energy dissipates as it will inevitably do. Eros love has little staying power and most assuredly will change into wisdom and understanding if the relationship is to last past the first 6 months. What happens during that 1st six months that makes it hard to "move on" after it's over??

Let's talk about psychic contracts or some may call them soul contracts. How often have you pledged your undying love to someone with words like.
"I will love you forever."
"No one can ever take your place"
"You will be mine till the end of time."
"If I ever lose you, I will surely die."
"You are my first, my last, my everything."
"I only have eyes for you."
"Can't live without you."





Now let's look at these simple words for starters. Beloveds, these are contracts. And these contracts are more than likely made during a fit of passion which energizes them and makes them even stronger. So, now, take each one and look at them. You have told the Universe that there is only one person in the whole world, Uy666niverse if you will, that is for you and then you seal the deal with words like "forever and ever, amen."

Now, if you purchase and automobile and they tell you that you have a life long warranty on this vehicle, you expect that warranty to last for the life time of the car at least, right? When you get this warranty there is a simple comfort that comes over you, you have been given an insurance policy that states, they will take care of any and all your worries as it relates to the car. Then, 6 months after you purchase the car, the dealer you got that warranty from has a fire and goes bankrupt and can no longer make good on their promise. What would you think about your decision to believe that you would be secure with such a warranty?

I use this simple example because it's just a car and surely you can find another mechanic to help you out. But when it's a relationship then that is a much more serious matter.. and so to contract yourself for eternity is a bit of an overreach. Yet, the society ruled by Erotic love and the need for it pushes its members to make these contracts and/or warranties and offers very little solace when things fall apart. Well, they will offer you a medical doctor for your drug abuse, a policeman for your physical abuse, a psychiatrist for the mental abuse, a minister for your spiritual abuse; but that is all after the fact of cheering you on to jump into a lake of fire that you cannot swim in.

The contracts are made, sometimes in secret as is the case with some young teenagers, others may be made among adults in secret because they believe they will not get the support of the outer community. Do you understand the power of those things that are don in secret? They carry strong psychical powers because of the effort that must be made to do them in secret and the adrenalin rush that happens in those secret moments that almost always overshadow what is done in public. Again, you are sealing a deal with the Universe, because you cannot hide anything that you say or do from your own energy being emitted into the Cosmos.

Then, there are these things called time lines. 

Many of us have no idea how that works and we think that we only live on one timeline and the rest is just a fool's errand if it is thought of at all. But we plan, and we imagine and visualize our plans, we make promises to each other and we see ourselves doing these things in our mind's eye. That is where the time lines are created. So, that reality is alive and well as the present physical reality that has your primary focus. Your dreams deal with all those timelines that you can consciously remember and many that you cannot. As you make your promise you are creating realities. You are creating timelines. Basically, all those scenarios have to play out. When they do, you will be able to move on, or at least feel freer to move on. 

Imagine it this way. You hire a DJ to play for your party. They have several hits they are prepared to play that will take them to the end of the party. These hits cover a gambit of emotions and situations, happy, sad, slow, fast, up, down, etc. Well, the party ain't over until the last hit is played. Then he can pack up and head on out to another party.

When we make promises like are mentioned above, remember they are contracts, psychic contracts, soul contracts and if you add till death do us part, you are sealing that contract with Psychic Cement. 

We have gotten so far away from our power and what we can do with it that we throw our power around like an old dodge ball. We pay little attention to the consequences of our haphazardness until it's too late. We don't often know what it is that feels so wrong when it feels so right. We suffer based on our ignorance of who we are and how powerful our thoughts, words and intentions are.

Bottom-line, that's why you can't move on. You set it up so that you couldn't move on. Now you have to wait until the last hit plays.

Of course most folks don't wait. They need to get over the ex very quickly so they jump into another relationship. Imagine this, you walk into a hotel full of rooms and each room has a party going on. The DJ has not made it to the last hit in any of those rooms.

Imagine the noise......................................................................


What Happened to MH370? Ask A Psychic?

Published on Mar 29, 2014
What limits many of us is the idea of alternate realities. We want to use our reality as a frame of reference yet often times our frame of reference is limited. If we do not have access to an alternate view or an understanding of a parallel universe, then the idea of different time lines is foreign to some and ludicrous to most.

With all this awakening talk, all this channeling talk and all this remote viewing talk, you would expect a deeper and more expansive worldview, but no. The individual's world view is molded and shaped by their respective external world, society, constraints and inconsistency. To even consider that the plane has been magnetically altered to the point of being shifted from this time line to another is beyond the scope of scientists, and maybe even some psychics.

The people on that plane are fine. They are either aware or unaware that they have shifted. Some may feel different, some may have weird dreams, some may question where they are and its validity, but don't we do that in this timeline, every day?

They may find themselves in a world much more progressive and willing to leap forward and become a true and peaceful member of the Cosmic/Galactic Community.

Whatever the case may be, as a Psychic myself, i understand our limitations. There is too much to know for any ONE person to know it all. It is time for the PTB to confess to the world that there is more going on than meets the eye, that they have done their experiments and that they know exactly what it means when a plane "vanishes" into thin air.

Nothing is so grounded, so solid, so immutable that it can not be changed or altered. If they return, they will have no memory of their experience.

People are grieving and sad because they lost someone they love. This is what we are taught. If they are dead, they are not in pain... if they are alive in their other holographic world, love them, release them and carry their memory without fear and sorrow.

They have made transition and they will probably never come back. Bless them and send them love and light and let them go.

And if it turns out that what I have just written cannot be verified in this time-space continuum, or a plane is actually recovered... it does not mean that what has been expressed by me or other psychics did not occur. The unseen world can present many variant themes, alternatives and outcomes. So, in some way, all of these scenarios are possible and are happening somewhere, in the past, present or future, as we measure time.?

NOTE: I want to thank everyone who viewed this video in advance. I apologize for the quality of the video, couldn't figure out how to fix it, but needed to get this message out there to you all. Turns out it was the lighting, my next video will be much better as we continue this exploration of WHAT HAPPENED TO MH370? Ask a Psychic?

This playlist includes my video discussions using the I Ching and my own intuitive abilities along with some interesting videos I found on YouTube. What happened to Flight MH370 is a mystery that borders on the paranormal.

Psychic Asked To Weigh In On Missing Plane is informed by the voices in her "witchy woo land"

Psychic Asked To Weigh In On Missing Plane is informed by the voices in her "witchy woo land"

franz morhart Published on Mar 21, 2014DescriptionThe endless coverage on CNN (Clearly Not News) about the missing Malaysian plane is giving them a ratings boost — from a distant third place to a distant second place — so they are milking it for all it's worth. On Thursday night, HLN guest host Lynn Berry hepled CNN's sister network finally hit the low point in the coverage so far and also proved she didn't have a single ounce of human decency.
To top Don Lemon speculating about supernatural forces and black holes, Lyn Berry invited psychic Lisa Williams to discuss what she think may have been the fate of the lost airliner and the 239 souls that were on board that plane. First, Williams heconfessed. "I think any psychic who has hard, concrete evidence can't do their job correctly." But then she claimed hat she was just informed by the voices in her "witchy woo land" that the mystery behind the plane's disappearance will be finally resolved "within the next three weeks."
Right. And if I were to tape a paintbrush to a dog's ass and feed him chocolate, he wwoul draw a map showing exactly where that plane went down...Honest.

One of the biggest mistakes psychics make is to make predictions. There are too many timelines, too many probabilities and too many conflicting stories. 

Everything is energy. If the collective conscious moves towards a certain agenda, it will manifest as an impression in the metaphysical world. Psychics must come to grips with this or they will continually discredit themselves and others as well. There is no need to give "hard" evidence as the Metaphysical world is not "hard-concrete-material" and like air there will be shifting of perspectives. The collective conscious wishes that the plane be found, they have entered their wish into the cosmic record, this wish is perceived by the Psychics/Metaphysicians and an image is given. 

Psychics/Metaphysicians who understand this will decline to "prove" anything to anyone who demands that proof be given on their terms, that is physical and material terms. Once you limit your awareness to what is possible in the known physical world, you limit the outer realms and remain constricted by material physicality.

It is ironic to see human beings demand such "proof positive" when the same humans believe in enumerable unseen things from religious belief systems to a diagnosis given by a doctor who is "practicing" medicine. Human beings have emotions that cannot be measured with instruments. They simply are. In fact, psychologist and psychiatrists alike have huge diagnostic manuals that determine what pathology would emit a certain behavior, a behavior that is derived from a series of experiences and emotions that are imperceptible or immeasurable in a science laboratory.

When one enters the Metaphysical world to get some information on a particular topic, it would behoove them to keep in mind that "all" things are possible and are happening due to the fact that thoughts are things. If a Psychic is attempting to give "hard" evidence to those who do not understand the dynamics of the Metaphysical world, then they may do well by offering the querent a psychic tool for investigation such as the tarot, the I Ching, Astrology, etc. All of which can be challenged based on interpretation, but they offer the querent the option of drawing their own conclusions.

Being active in the Metaphysical Realm requires time, attention and commitment. It also requires that one releases one's hold on physical gratification and validation. This is a craft, like any other that needs to be developed and cultivated over many years in this 3d realm, as this 3d realm is suspicious and will filter and overshadow anything that comes in from the unseen realms.

Psychic Asked To Weigh In On Missing Plane is informed by the voices in her "witchy woo land"

Need a Psychic Reading?

Happy Solstice!   Happy New Year!

Moving forward, you may need a little insight on how to pull that off. Lost a loved one, may want to know how they are doing. Relationship advice? Work? Career? Finances? Spirituality? Changing residence? Education? Travel? Etc.

Doesn't matter where you live, we can easily meet on line. Contact me... to schedule an appointment.  I strongly encourage a "Life Path Reading" for starters, it can answer many questions and give you a blueprint for your life overall.


PS.... No spell casting for somebody to be with you who left you! If they left then maybe they weren't meant to be there in the first place. Let's use positive re-enforcement and fill that void with deep love for self.

PPS. NO, I DO NOT GIVE OUT LOTTERY  NUMBERS, SPY ON PEOPLE, OR ANY OTHER BAD MEDICINE. Find Your neighborhood witch doctor for those services.


Need a Psychic Reading? - YouTube


November 17, 2014

  • I have met with Nana several times to receive guidance and reassurance on areas within my life. Normally, my sessions last for 1.5 hours or so. Nana is always professional, personable, and explains guidance so any one can understand. I think her quality of work is impressive and I will continue to go to her in the future. From my experience everything was great and there are no recommendations for improvement. Thank you!!!
  • 5/5 stars October 3, 2014
    hi my name is George a person would like to say she is the best person talk to
  • 5/5 stars October 3, 2014
    My session with Nana Baakan Agyiriwah was like sitting down with an old friend turned wise, intuitive sage. She offered both a disarming and comfortable platform from which to share and express, while at the same time imparting a level of insight and professional experience needed to assist me along my journey into both the realms of the Dreamworld and my own self. Would recommend her to anyone ready, willing and able to explore both the seen and unseen world in which we each play a very unique and vital part.
  • 5/5 stars September 23, 2014
    I ended up having a combination session counselling/guidance/reading that ran for 2 hours. I found it extremely insightful and helped put my situation into perspective. Nana is empathetic, talked in a 'language' i could understand and followed a point of discussion through to resolution, i.e. not wrapping things up for the sake of progressing in the session. I thought the reading related exactly to my general life experience and also the situation at hand. There was a good sense of assurance in the reading confirming things i had observed/knew about and affirming my thoughts and intentions. I can't think of anything Nana could have done better. May she have many blessings. She definitely is a blessing to others.
  • 5/5 stars June 11, 2014
    Nana really help me understand my situation that i was in i thank you so much for helping me understand and see.. i highly recommend her thank you nana.
  • 4/5 stars May 12, 2014
    This consultation took 1,30 hrs, We spoke on skype as I live in Germany. We had an appointment for 12.30 pm and she was on time. Nana is good as she hit a load of things on the head, I did'nt even ask her, she just gave me answers to things that I thought about, but did not mention to her. She is very good I would go back to her again.
    The only issue I have is , as I am an impatient person. She could have got to the point with me. I like straight forward and direct. But next time I shall mention it to her. Otherwise she is gooooood
  • 5/5 stars May 3, 2014
    I received a reading ,consultation with Nana some weeks ago. I just wanted to hear what she could see and hear about me initially. She was so on point and communicated with my ancestors as well as hers. She put thing in my life in prospective. I encourage you to contact Nana. She is honest compassionate but blunt. She will tell what she hears not what you want to hear and will give you your transcripts . I heard you Nana. Thank you
  • 5/5 stars April 14, 2014
    As usual my consultant experience with Nana was fulfilling and insightful. She is able to pull out issues in your life that needs to be assessed through natural conversation. She is very easy to talk to and our conversations can last for hours. Her readings are on point and I can see them unfolding throughout my life. I have been using her services for years and will continue to do so.
  • 5/5 stars April 10, 2014
    Nana was amazing right from the beginning, her ability to give such accurate readings is just amazing and I look forward to our next session. I have and will continue to refer my friends to her! Life changing!
  • 5/5 stars April 7, 2014
    Nana is an excellent consultant. She is knowledgeable, holistic and has years of professional and life experience that influences her counseling style. She is patient, non-judgemental and does not keep sessions on a time clock. She gives you the time that she feels you need and never charges you extra. I would recommend any person in need of a supportive ear and sound realistic advice/counseling to seek services from Nana Baakan. She is well worth the reasonable fee and you will not be disappointed in the service she provides you.
  • 5/5 stars April 7, 2014
    In some of my most challenging times on my journey, Nana Balkan has helped me gain clarity and cultivation of my own intuition through her readings and gifts. She has shown me dedication and took her time to deliver accurate info from the Divine. She has been an incredible blessing in my world!

Thoughts Are Things

Thoughts are things. Many times we are ignorant of what we create with our thoughts. Thoughts are vibrations on another dimensional plane. We need the skills to bring that vibration into physicality. That is the real work.

Ever wonder why it is so easy to manifest things we "don't want"? Well, if we look at our thoughts surrounding those things and the emotional attachment and/or passion we connect to those things it makes it more easy to see.

We live in a very toxic world, that has nurtured pain and suffering lack and disease for many many years. These too are vibrations that surround us. So though we may envision something that we want to happen, we seldom realize that we have to create a vortex, a channel an avenue for that thing or things to bypass the vibratory entities/energies that are blocking our success.

We also must know how to go deeply into positive thought forms, bring them deeply into our physical being, every cell and every aspect, and then command the manifestation. Bring thought forms into our physical being causes a magnetic reaction of attraction, that is, we begin to attract what we think of, pro or con. Too often we are left with just a vision, or just the belief, but the interim step of "Action-Manifestation" is the Alchemy of true Creation.

We have to release the idea that we are victims and subject to the false reality of scarity and lack. So, to see it, we need to open that vortex within our mind/ego and direct positive thought forms into our physicality, having the trust/faith that we are capable and then commanding the manifestation of Phenomenon.

We must also remember the circle of life and be clear that we aim to be of service to others in a righteous way.. so that while we may bring these things into being, we do no harm to others. There is so much more to say on this topic, but thanks for reading this.

Spell Casting - Ask Nana


 "I want to see if this couple will last or what can I do so they can separate she did something evil against me and the father of my kids to argue I trusted dearly but now I don't i do not want any fakes to send me any quotes nor people out of Los Angeles California 100% guaranteed work pay pal only I don't no frauds and money guaranteed back of it doesn't work and one time fee only I don't want any extras I do Not have time to play around at all!"


Greetings Beloveds, In the astral realm the options are limitless. Many things can be brought to us by our mere thinking of them and using our imagination to visualize them. However, it is always best to seek for the higher good of all who are concerned. Now those folks who may be concerned my be irrelevant to you but if we are not conscientious about our wishes, hopes, dreams and desires, we may bring harm to innocent people who have no ill intent towards you. In this case we have someone who is clearly desperate to get their loved one back into the family fold. This person wants the father of her children to return at all costs.

How does a psychic arrange that? How does a psychic arrange that and maintain credibility, that is maintain their status as a sincere person of the highest integrity? Easily, you may respond, as you too would like to have a loved one back in your arms again. I cannot caution you enough to stay away from spell casting and drawing people back into your life who have left. If someone has left you for whatever reason... getting someone else to "change" their mind is a waste of energy at best and futile at worse.

Ultimately, you step into the game of affecting and changing someone else's free will. It may be perceived by you that someone else changed their free will that is why they are no longer with you. And while on the surface this may be true, at some point in the cycle the individual that left you, decided to leave you. They may be appearing as though they have not made that choice, but somewhere in their psyche they decided to leave, for whatever reason and maybe in the tiniest second of time. That tiny bit of time was all another person needed to persuade them to leave you. It is a small wonder that they did not already have that thought, and manifested this individual to do it for them.

Thoughts are things. If you take on the task of seeking someone to bring him back to you, that someone will also be dealing with that very tiny window, when the thought crosses his mind to return. If that person misses that tiny window, it will not work, and if that person does not miss that tiny window, you may get your man back, but unless he really wants to, he won't stay. Consequently, you will be on a vicious cycle of trying to get this man back every time he leaves.

 I often pose this question to my clients who are so intent on doing this type of "spell casting" or witch craft. "How would you feel if someone you did not want to be with, went to a Psychic and asked them to cast a spell so that you would give up what you are doing and who you are with to be with them?" Typically, they answer, that will never happen, but if it cannot happen to you, then why can it happen to someone you want to cast a spell on?

The idea here, is to accept this change in good faith. If he belongs with you and is in alignment with his destiny, he will come back of his own accord. And that would be a stronger union than having someone manipulate his mind.

There are no secrets in the spirit world and all too often it comes out that the party got someone to "work" the other. This is a form of deception, and though it may feel like it is for the best for you and your family, it is deception and if your man finds out that he has been deceived or forced back home, he may resent you enough to leave and never come back again.

A word to the wise is Sufficient.

How Do I Go About Seeking A "Teacher"?

Greetings D.,
I want to respond to your message
" I just don't know how to go about seeking a "teacher" or a "school" to gain more knowledge about the true meaning of our existence and why I was lead to this aspect of my life... "
Everyone's journey is different from everyone else. We are guided by our personal spirit guides and our Ancestors. There may be things that your Ancestors want you to experience for so many reasons, just imagine if they were here and as elders they want you to do this or that because they feel you will benefit. Mind you they are not always right which is why, you have to have your own discretionary system intact.


That is where the work comes in. You may feel drawn to various people whom you feel can teach you, just be sure that your most inner knowing is your BEST TEACHER. No one can replace it nor should anyone.

Now that's the tricky part and it's the reason that we are in such a quandary living on this planet. We want to believe in our inner knowing and have confidence in our inner knowing giving us the best advice, yet we live in a material world where we have to seek out teachers. I prefer to call them guides. In that way, they facilitate our growth but they are not our only option for growing.


In today's world, teachers pose as the end all and be all, particularly on the path of spiritual growth and development. They may have a certain way of doing things and teaching you that resonates with you, but they are on their journey as well and they are not perfect.

Teachers who insist that you follow only their advice and do only what they say are basically insecure and need your energy, admiration and personal power to keep them going. The moment you look as though you are about to move in a different direction because certainly you may feel guided to do so, now you pose a threat and they may even use subterfuge or other underhanded tactics to steer you away from "leaving" them.

When I started my journey I felt a strong calling to help others "get there." I remember that day as if it were yesterday. I dropped to my knees and ask the Universe to make me a bridge so that folks could go over to the other side, where the Ancestors were, where spiritual knowledge was, you know, all that. I was so filled with the power of the knowledge I had been awakened to in an instant I just wanted to share it with everyone I came in contact with.
I had no Idea what that request meant, nor did I realize that I didn't really mean it the way it manifested. Being a Libra I wanted them to stay, not just use me to get to the other side. It became an internal conflict for me, and as I watched them, one by one grow and move on to their own destiny on their own journey, I would reflect on that request I sent out to the universe.

That request was one of the most valid requests I have ever made. Even though I had a few years of heart ache based on my misunderstanding of what it meant, I realized that I am not here to have followers who cannot make up their own minds without my help, but I am here to show them, within my abilities how they can access their own minds, and quite frankly, in some instances without my help.

So, I say this to say... while your journey may lead you to places that you don't quite understand or know why, realize that you are on your very own unique journey, and while you may not always know the why and the how of it, you are there and that's the most important thing.

surfing the universeThe more you meditate the more you will be able to trust your inner knowing. Once that happens your Inner knowing will become your most essential guide, your only real Teacher. But you have to do the work. And that is where people get stuck and where leaders get stuck too. Instead of moving them towards self independence and sovereignty, a co-dependent relationship ensues that can lead to some very toxic outcomes, if you follow me.
Thank you for reaching out. I will be having classes on the I Ching soon as I can figure out how to do it on line. I live in NJ and people from all over the world have asked me to help them, but I have found the best way I can help is to make videos. From their if people want personal lessons, they can have them for a small fee but I would rather do them in a group setting not one on one. I am also available for personal readings as well.
I would have many more videos up, but my computer and my video software give me the blues so it's hard to get them up there in a timely fashion, beside I am a perfectionist and I want my videos to be interesting, entertaining as well as informative.

Thanks again for your comments and hope to hear from you soon. You can email me if you would like a personal reading.

Peace & Blessings, Nana Baakan