Thursday, February 5, 2015

Before I Pay My Money I Want To Make Sure You're Accurate. Ask Nana

SJ. says, "I should be able to get one free question before I pay my money."

It's okay, S, I think you should find a Psychic who likes to be challenged. Or who likes to answer trick questions.
This is what I mean.
You could say, "tell me what color my bedroom wall is."
the Psychic responds, "Blue."
You respond, "Wrong, it's not blue, it's yellow. You are a fraud, and I will not give you my money."

A few things that I want to point out.
First of all, you could be lying and your question could be a trick question to just get this challenge on to make a Psychic Prove to  you that they are authentic.
Secondly, unless you were there when the house was built and your room has never had any other color room than the one it is now, than to say the Psychic is a liar is disingenuous. What I mean is, that Psychics don't just see what is present but they can see the past and the future and if you ever thought about your room being blue, and never got around to painting it blue, then the room is blue on the Astral plane.
And lastly, there is no single Psychic that is going to be 100% accurate in all their information, because quiet as it's kept, they are human beings, well let's hope so, and make mistakes, misjudgments or miss stuff altogether.

As for myself, I have not, and will not do the "trick question" routine.. that is a trap, and if a person is sincerely looking for help, they would not put their helper on the defensive by asking them to prove something to them. That is my opinion.
There are several resources that you can use to determine for yourself if a particular Psychic is the one for you.

  • Check their reviews
  • If possible contact those who reviewed them and ask them personally what they thought of their reading.
  • Check them out on the internet, do they have a website?
  • Read their bio.
  • Are they on YouTube or another video channel where you can actually view and hear them.
  • Go into your own personal meditation and ask your inner guides
  • Do a muscle testing or crystal pendulum 

If after all this you don't get the results you need then you probably are not really ready for a Psychic reading but may want to get your questions answered from another source.

I am well aware that there are many charlatans out there who do this work just for the money. Believe me, many of them charlatans are spot on, and can make accurate predictions and tell you stuff about your life that you never told a single soul. But the reason they are charlatans is because of their hidden agenda. Then you have the battle of the agendas. Charlatans get lots of people to follow them because their agenda  has become, 'let me see how much money I can milk out of the masses.' They certainly are not about teaching people how to enhance the "gift" within themselves. So you can trust someone who is "accurate" as much as you wish, however, if they have a hidden agenda, their accuracy is no guarantee that you will "not" be taken for a ride.

In this business we have a lot of things at play. But to me, the most important thing is to have each person be as genuine and sincere in their interactions as possible. So rather than looking for "accuracy" it would behoove you to look for a sincere person who does not wish to harm you in anyway, who is willing to admit that they are not perfect, and that they are not the last word on anything and whom you can close your eyes at night and "trust" that you were treated fairly. Other wise, you are playing a dangerous game of "prove yourself" and there is no guarantee that the so called "proof" you get from them will give you peace of mind that you have been treated fairly.

Too many times, the client, customer or querent feels that they are at the mercy of the Psychic, when in actuality the relationship between the Psychic and their client is a partnership. Everyone stands to gain and/or lose in this situation. This is particularly true if there is an exchange of funds. The Client gives and the Psychic receives, if the client does not pay, the Psychic loses, if the Psychic is not honest, the Client loses. In fact, if there is enmity on either account that can affect any future interactions as it relates to reviews, referrals and any other exchanges; clients can discourage others from contacting a certain Psychic and Psychic can do the same by discouraging their fellow Psychic from working with a certain client. With this in mind, all parties are strongly encouraged to work with the highest integrity.

Nowadays, with the internet access available for so many of us, the idea of paying in advance for a service may seem strange to some, but it's like purchasing from eBay. You place an order, you pay for it and then you get the product. When it comes to a psychic reading, there is no guarantee that you will be satisfied with you reading and I don't know of any money-back-guarantee Psychics out there. Again, everyone stands to lose if this work is not done with the utmost integrity.

I think that sometimes there are assumptions that are made  by Psychics and clients alike. From what I can gather, Psychics assume that clients have at least rudimentary understanding of how the Psychic phenomenon works, and I think that Clients often assume or have been influenced by mass media and various other belief systems that Psychics do a certain kind of work and anything other than that is not valid. Too often we have fortune tellers, others doing stage tricks, and guessing games to excite their audiences. These events may range in validity from none to quite a bit, but the idea of "putting on a show" to prove that  they are authentic is for the purpose of pleasing a crowd more so than getting to deeper issues at hand. Sometimes these very folks will get such a momentum going they have to plant people in the audience to keep the amazement going, but in reality, the Psychic phenomenon does not work like that.

There are many people who have abilities, most of the time, they are not even aware of it. There are people who can predict lottery numbers, the death of a loved one, and various other natural disasters or world events, but all too often these predictions are subject to change and these changes smack at the authenticity of the prophet. I.E., the book of Revelations was written over 2000 years ago and people are still waiting for the predictions to manifest themselves. I often wonder what the people of the time thought as they waited for Armageddon to take place during their life times. Imagine if they were told they would have to wait 2000 years or more!!! What if they were told that those predictions would come true in 2012??

What I am saying here is that people often want to put the Psychic to the test, yet they have little knowledge of how it works. Most times they just want to make their immediate situations easier to handle, or get answers about a deceased, or departed loved one. They most definitely will judge the answers they get based on their world view which narrows down to what's happening in their personal life. The Psychic phenomenon does not happen in a vacuum, and the internal and external variables are so abundant that if people are not willing to be flexible and have an open mind they will find themselves sorely disappointed.

A few years ago, I was told by a Psychic, that I would have a van. The Reader saw me driving around in a van. Well, at the time, I was riding in a van, I had to rent vans in order to transport my Performing Arts company, the "Voices Of Africa" Choral & Percussion Ensemble from point "A" to point "B".  Well, I simply assumed he was seeing that, but he assured me that I would be the owner of a van. It actually took 3 years for that to manifest. Yet when he told me that I would have an emotionally draining situation it happened within a few days.

It is said, in ancient African traditions that if the Elder/Reader/Priest speaks of something, they in turn speak it into existence, therefore they are cautioned to be very circumspect about what they say. But it is not only these initiated into the mystical science but every single one of us. We are all Co-creators of our reality and if we are told that something will happen it really does depend on how much energy we put into the idea if in fact it will happen. We do have much more control over our reality than we are encouraged to believe.

My goal as a Psychic is to be a guide, a beacon of light, a road for others to travel as they attempt to know who they are on a deeper level. Whether that makes me famous is irrelevant. One can always be assured that I will work with them with the utmost of integrity giving them the very best of what I have within my abilities. They will never have to worry about seeing me as part of a side show, pretending to know things I do not know or predict things with certainty when I know that life situations are always changing.  Namaste