Friday, October 23, 2015

Ask Nana: The Stages Of Grief

For all of us folks who are able to empathize with one another and with the feelings of overwhelming loss. Let us remember that grieving can come in many forms from the loss of a phone number to the loss of the entire home in a storm. All are losses, some necessary, some accidental, all cause a moment in the "grief seat". Let's also understand that grief, like any other emotion is an energy, that carries a frequency that affects you and everyone and everything around you.

Now, let's move this to a larger more global perspective.

Imagine the avalanche of feelings that come over you after a loss, or the loss of a loved one. Imagine the weakening in the knees, the guttural cry, the remorse and despair, and imagine that energy, that frequency flowing out all over the planet and out into the Cosmos surrounding this planet.

Now take a trip to a war torn country, where the loss is insurmountable, and includes loved ones, infrastructure, wild life, vegetation and cultural identity. See yourself in the middle of that. What would you feel?

No one's grief can be measured by another or qualified by another.. but we can all identify and we all can say "NO" to war!!! We certainly have little control over what Mother Nature can do. But we do have something that we can do about man's inhumanity to man. So let's do it! 

I too am a Medium and a Mental Health professional. If my clients allow me, I will weave into the Counseling session some spiritual tips that they can use to help them through it. If not, then I strongly encourage the Counseling route because the loss of a loved one can be devastating, confusing and quite disruptive to your lifestyle, if nothing else, I mean you barely get time to grieve, you have to do all the "arrangements", families tend to show their "arses" when someone dies, and it's a mess. In more traditional societies, like in Ghana West Africa, you don't even bury them right away!!They also know that the soul is still near the body, and if it was a tragedy, the Spirit might be wondering what happened and trying to figure it out. The body of the loved one has to be taken care of too. People may be inhibited by their customs, spiritual beliefs, religious doctrines and a host of other indicators that make it harder to adjust to the loss. So, yeah, I agree, it's a spiritual matter, but in the absence of or in addition to, counseling helps. Again that is a personal decision. 

The way and individual grieves has a lot to do with how they "feel" and how they allow themselves to "feel" in varying situations. 
  • How comfortable are they with being vulnerable? 
  • How comfortable are they with their own feelings of happiness. 
  • How expressive are they sexually?  
  • How were they raised? By an authoritarian parent who did not allow them to cry, or by a nurturing parent who let them cry and then asked them what was wrong. 
  • How are they when it comes to intimate interactions, like sharing a very personal moment, idea, feeling or impression. 
  • Do they dream? 
  • Do they dream in color? 
  • Are they creative? 
  • What do they do for a living? 
  • Do they have a sense of humor?
  • Are they in the military? 
  • Do they love nature?
  • Are they empathic?
  • How do they hug?
These and so many other questions must be answered in order to really understand another's grieving process. No two are alike.

It can also be said that the loss of a loved one can cause the most composed person to lose all composure and wilt. They may show characteristics that no one expected, quite out of the norm for them, but in some ways, very releasing.

"Sometimes I'm in a upswing then I backswing. 
Then there are days I'm all over the place. Grief has no time limit."

"Remember that significant people or pets don't have to die to incite the grief process in someone's life - imho a slow moving terminal disease or unexpected debilitating event can throw a character into the grief vortex as well."

Grief is not just about a loss of someone. It can be loss of everything and anything which you felt good about or loved. This is classic, an example of which would be after a hurricane, tornado, tsunami, earthquake, or aerial bombing, still birth, even abortion (quiet as it's kept, women do have a grieving process after an abortion, stillbirth or miscarriage.) And we have all seen the hysteria that takes over a woman when she loses "Mr. Right" not to mention divorce and it's impact on "men"!

Affirming of the strength of the human spirit.

There's strength of the human spirit and then there's denial. And sometimes folks cannot tarry too long in the grieving process because they have to "get on with life". You can see the residuals to that process later down the line when they start to, or shall I say continue to, self medicate, some even do it to the point of addiction, all to get away from the pain, another side effect of the grieving process.

When you love someone you share an energetic exchange. It could be on many levels, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even if there is an exchange of goods ans services. Every thing is energy, so as I am writing these words, I am sharing a bit of myself with you. If we became FB friends and we continued to communicate, we would be sharing our thoughts and feelings this way. 

Thoughts and feelings are parts of us as much as anything that we can materialistic identify. What we tend to forget is that the connection is electro-magnetic and like any plug that is unplugged, especially abruptly, there is a noticeable decrease in the energetic exchange. On the other hand, if we realize that energy is invisible, it can be measured to some degree and they have instruments to monitor it, but it is basically invisible. What I am getting at, is that sometimes, we are able to connect MORE with our loved ones in the Spirit Realm than we are in the Physical Realm because they have little barrier for preventing our energetic exchange. We see this when they appear in dreams, sometimes so real, when we wake up we believe we have just been with them. And we have, but it's hard to believe that because they are not "with us" upon awakening. But they are with us, they simply are in another form. We have become so dependent on their physical form we forgot they were Spirit having a Physical experience, as are we, so yes, "a little piece of us goes with them", but a little piece of them stays with us.

"Therefore the physical world cannot be anything but a manifestation of the psychic in its basic rootedness and concurrence with the psychic. It follows that the messages that one discovers in contemplating the phenomena, as “given,” of the physical world are endless.  And they are messages both universal and personal, corresponding … exactly, one might guess … to the fact of there being shared physical realities as well as individual physical realities—that is, spaces which one sees in one’s unique way, or in which one has sole or near-sole dominion."

“We Are then Simple Awareness, Simple Foci of Consciousness in the Vast Expanse of the Universe”: Matter as Metaphor, Part Seven: We Are Stars Are Us.

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