Greetings D.,
I want to respond to your message
" I just don't know how to go about seeking a "teacher" or a "school" to gain more knowledge about the true meaning of our existence and why I was lead to this aspect of my life... "
Everyone's journey is different from everyone else. We are guided by our personal spirit guides and our Ancestors. There may be things that your Ancestors want you to experience for so many reasons, just imagine if they were here and as elders they want you to do this or that because they feel you will benefit. Mind you they are not always right which is why, you have to have your own discretionary system intact.
That is where the work comes in. You may feel drawn to various people whom you feel can teach you, just be sure that your most inner knowing is your BEST TEACHER. No one can replace it nor should anyone.
Now that's the tricky part and it's the reason that we are in such a quandary living on this planet. We want to believe in our inner knowing and have confidence in our inner knowing giving us the best advice, yet we live in a material world where we have to seek out teachers. I prefer to call them guides. In that way, they facilitate our growth but they are not our only option for growing.
In today's world, teachers pose as the end all and be all, particularly on the path of spiritual growth and development. They may have a certain way of doing things and teaching you that resonates with you, but they are on their journey as well and they are not perfect.
Teachers who insist that you follow only their advice and do only what they say are basically insecure and need your energy, admiration and personal power to keep them going. The moment you look as though you are about to move in a different direction because certainly you may feel guided to do so, now you pose a threat and they may even use subterfuge or other underhanded tactics to steer you away from "leaving" them.
When I started my journey I felt a strong calling to help others "get there." I remember that day as if it were yesterday. I dropped to my knees and ask the Universe to make me a bridge so that folks could go over to the other side, where the Ancestors were, where spiritual knowledge was, you know, all that. I was so filled with the power of the knowledge I had been awakened to in an instant I just wanted to share it with everyone I came in contact with.
I had no Idea what that request meant, nor did I realize that I didn't really mean it the way it manifested. Being a Libra I wanted them to stay, not just use me to get to the other side. It became an internal conflict for me, and as I watched them, one by one grow and move on to their own destiny on their own journey, I would reflect on that request I sent out to the universe.
That request was one of the most valid requests I have ever made. Even though I had a few years of heart ache based on my misunderstanding of what it meant, I realized that I am not here to have followers who cannot make up their own minds without my help, but I am here to show them, within my abilities how they can access their own minds, and quite frankly, in some instances without my help.
So, I say this to say... while your journey may lead you to places that you don't quite understand or know why, realize that you are on your very own unique journey, and while you may not always know the why and the how of it, you are there and that's the most important thing.

Thank you for reaching out. I will be having classes on the I Ching soon as I can figure out how to do it on line. I live in NJ and people from all over the world have asked me to help them, but I have found the best way I can help is to make videos. From their if people want personal lessons, they can have them for a small fee but I would rather do them in a group setting not one on one. I am also available for personal readings as well.
I would have many more videos up, but my computer and my video software give me the blues so it's hard to get them up there in a timely fashion, beside I am a perfectionist and I want my videos to be interesting, entertaining as well as informative.
Thanks again for your comments and hope to hear from you soon. You can email me if you would like a personal reading.
Peace & Blessings, Nana Baakan
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Peace & Blessings, thank you for your comments, they are much appreciated. NB