All I know Beloved... - Humanity Healing Community
I have come to the understanding that most folks just don't realize that they are making Cosmic Contracts, particularly when they add words like, "forever", "everlasting", "Only", "till Eternity and Beyond" and various other superlatives that they are creating a Cosmic Contract that they will have to fulfill at some future date.
Why do I say that? Okay, let's simply be practical. When you send out a request, to the Creator, Higher Power, God, Allah, or whatever you choose to call it, you want to be heard and you want whatever you are asking for to come to you. You do not want there to be any analysis of your demands, hence, you want them to come through as you have put them out there. But it seems that when it comes to love we tend to feel that by saying words like "I will always love you" and "You are the only one for me" we think we are not expected to mean it exactly, or that some analysis should be made to determine if that person is really the "only one for us". And, just in case they are not, we seek intervention and/or a way out.
We glamorize soul mating, and twin flaming as if these constructs are salvation to the lonely heart searching here and there for that "ONE". How is it that "ONE" person can put it all together for you if you can just "find" them? Why are we lost, lonely, sad, depressed, when we don't find them? And what happens when we make a mistake in our judgment and find out that that soul mate is more like a cell mate and that twin flame is more like a torturous flame that can't seem to be put out?
Each and every day, we are bombarded with things to be fearful of, our neighbor, the landlord, the dog, the man in a hoodie, the babysister, the pedophile who lurks in the dark corners of the school yard. We are afraid of GMO's, preservatives, pesticides, chemtrails, and disease. We mistrust the media, our governments, our leaders, our courts and our churches. We feel lied to at every turn, lost and abandoned on a Prison Planet that seems to care less about our well being and only want us well enough to devour our essence. So, it would seem that the only and best recourse from these terrors is to find a "SOUL MATE" or "TWIN FLAME" who will wrap us up in joyfulness and make it all better. We find them and then hold on to them for dear life, as though they are a life raft, never realizing that they are just as frightened and wounded as we are. Yet, we do this over and over and over again. Placing ourselves in co-dependent relationships where we become the addict and the enabler, switching roles as the situations merit.

What I am trying to convey here, is that with all the above mentioned concerns that we have, putting another fear laced noose around our necks has got to be counterproductive. For those of us who may fashion the idea of re-incarnation, remember, that you said, "For All Of Eternity" and beyond. That contract doesn't cease when you die. I am making an assumption here, but I would guess that all the "Love & Light" folks believe on some level in re-incarnation. With that being said, would it not be prudent to be cautious about who you pledge your undying love for? Realistically, wouldn't you be tying yourself to this person till the end of time, life time, after lifetime, after lifetime?
And for those who believe there is no coming back, then how does the words "For all Eternity" play out when it ends after you leave this life? Are you being honest when you make that pledge to another, knowing in your sphere of awareness, you could never fulfill that promise cause the only thing that will live for all of eternity is your immortal soul and surely your immortal soul has no use for individualized co-dependent love relationships built on storybook fantasies.
And for all those atheists out there, who happen to "fall" in love and want to pledge their undying commitment to another human person... How does forever line up in your estimation? In what state or form will you be fulfilling this cosmic contract?
Ironically, it seems the program that has been installed on this planet encourages this debilitating way to "love another" in interpersonal relationships. It seems the program has deep seeded denial as an integral part of how it operates. This denial causes cognitive dissonance as we ingrain our hearts and minds with the ideology of "Romantic", "Erotic", and I might add "Hapless" Love between Mary and John. This program encourages selflessness, sacrifice, denial, martyrdom, dependence, deprivation, etc. all for the sake of the "Beloved", the assumed "Only Person" for you. Consequently, year after year, month after month, day after day, is spent trying and trying and trying to make the "Beloved" fit into the mold so that they can be your "Soul Mate" or "Twin Flame" or object of your adoration. Imagine two people doing this to each other!!!!!
My question is, what happens to all that "undying love" when the real lights come on and you see this person you were so infatuated with for who they truly are? What happens when the yoke is broken or the flame goes out? What happens when you once thought it would work, but now see it won't and you have to move on? What happens then? Do you send an S.O.S. out to the Universe and say, "Listen, I know I was all in when I was with that other person, but I ain't with them no more, so can you cancel that check and write me another?" Well, the reality is, it will take an eternity to get that check cancelled, it will take forever to get that promise fulfilled and it will be a really, really long time, as we humans measure time, it for that "promise" to dissipate.
Solution: Be so very, very careful about what you say in the fit of passion, love making or when you have become so caught up in this other person whom you feel is your "Soul Mate" or "Twin Flame".
Avoid superlatives like "forever" eternity, end of time as much as possible.
If you have a strong attraction to someone and feel enveloped by it, stay in the present with it.

Promising anyone eternity is quite disingenuous and very unauthentic as having little or no grasp on what that concept means, we really have no idea of what it will look like in the so-called real world.
Interpersonal relationships are wonderful when they are harmonious, fruitful, uplifting, creative, etc. They also bring various challenges to help those involved deal with their own stuff. But binding yourself into a relationship with one person forever can be very disconcerting. How can anyone come through on that promise, not knowing what forever even looks and feels like?
As human beings on this planet, we have a lot to learn about ourselves, each other, and the planet upon which we dwell. I believe that one of our biggest lessons is learning unconditional love. that is a love that seeks no thing in return, a love that has no selfish motives or expectations, a sort of Agape love that is reflected in all of our interactions with all whom we come in contact with. It's a type of Universal love that loves the Divine within all things, Namaste, neither grasping, holding, begging, needing or wanting, but recognizing the Divine In All, and the All in All of Creation. Loving with an open hand and heart rather than a closed fist and mind. That kind of love is scary, and challenges all of our desire to "possess" our "Beloved" so no one else can have them. Is this truly what the "Love & Light" movement is about? How can devotion to one Human being for all of eternity be a healing force for this planet filled with selfish possessive beings?
All I know Beloved... - Humanity Healing Community
Posted by Brenda Tenerelli on August 20, 2015 at 9:15pm in TWIN-FLAMES REUNITED
All I know Beloved, is that I have you and a place to not only go to, but “Be in Forever” and that you will never let go of ME, FOREVER!
There is No Beyond than You, Beloved!
I do not see Beyond YOU & your Divine arms.
Tried to see but there is nothing beyond them & that's my honest truth Beloved. Even if there is, if something or someone exists, I do not wanna have it nor see it (not without you Beloved), for you are all there is BELOVED! I will see all I see with you or not at all.
My story has begun, has been, IS and will be FOREVER with You.
Our love has no ending, nowhere in this world, any dimensions or Universe ... any way Beloved. OUR LOVE is LIMITLESS, FREELY FLOWING & UNCONDITIONAL
"For the joy that overflows my cup
Heaven filled me with more than enough"
This beautiful sentiment BELOVED, my soul is sanctified with, which is my true blessing. Everything else or rest all in the world is humbug, drama & not worth a mention at all.
What’s of essence is Our True Divine Love!
Our Divine Love is the only Divine Truth there is!
~ Jen
Jennifer Berjis Gilder